Membership Types
Individual Membership
An individual Member is defined as any person who has designated River’s Edge Figure Skating Club as his/her primary club. Individuals under the age of 18 must have at least one parent or guardian who is also an Individual Member.

Family Membership
An individual eligible for this membership must have a current family member under 18 who is already a member of the Club.
Associate Membership
Individual, affiliated with another Club who desires to test or participate on a sponsored team during the membership year. They shall not be eligible to vote.

Collegiate Membership
An individual member in good standing who is an amateur who was an Individual Member of the Club prior to commencing higher education. A Collegiate Member shall have the right to skate on Club ice and to participate in the Club test sessions at the same rates as Individual Members. Collegiate Members shall not have the right to vote, hold office or have use of or share in the property and assets of the Club. Collegiate Members will not be required to ful-fill member obligations unless they request to participate in ice shows put on by the Club or any other Club sponsored event other than skating on Club ice and participating in test ses-sions. In any instance in which all members cannot be served, Individual Members will be given priority over Collegiate Members. Collegiate Members must maintain their annual USFSA membership, but their annual Club membership fee will be waived. Applications for Collegiate Membership must be signed by the President and Treasurer.
Professional Membership
Individual professional coach who wish to participate in Club activities and receive Club lit-erature. They are entitled to one vote.